Adobe Captivate
Adobe Captivate
Welcome to the Adobe Captivate feedback page. Submit feature requests and bug reports to the Captivate team via this UserVoice page.
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UserVoice is a third-party platform for product feedback. Please note that feedback is voluntary, and you give Adobe a right, to use feedback you provide without restrictions.
5 results found
Image height and width
The height and width of the images should be easy editable in page view, property of image and edition mode of the image.
54 votes -
Responsive behavior for Background Image
Allow a 'focal point' for images when they change sizes in Captivate projects
Sharepoint pages do allow you to set the 'focus' of an image for when the portal changes size, it lets the author have some control over how the item is shown to users without having a ton of options to configure each time.
18 votesPicked for implementation.
External user feedback
Just curious how I can share this project for reviews with external stakeholders. From my experience with Articulate 360; there are robust sharing features where the SME or other individuals can leave comments on the project. Is that feature available or in the development pipeline
15 votes -
Publish for Review Tool
It would be very helpful to be able to Publish for Review, that way I could send the course to SMEs and reviewers without having to upload to an LMS. I work for a large company, and uploads are a different team which adds 1 - 2 days. Something similar to the Storyline preview tool would be great.
14 votes -
Add Video demo workflow in Captivate
Video demo, cpvc file to add as project/slide background and publish as video are essential for our project.
Video demo, cpvc file to add as project/slide background and publish as video are essential for our project.Video demo to screen capture
cpvc file to embed in the project background or slide background.
Publish as video also required.
These two features are essentail for our project, Kindly add them.3 votesVideo demo is core to CP, its already in the backlog. thanks for reporting.
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