Add More Buttons. Need more than three (3) Built-In.
Currently the BUTTONS option is only three (3) buttons - need more. Our Learners/Employees need forced navigation. We want to use the built-in Buttons, but three (3) will not work. Minimum of Five would work well.
[Pause. Play. Last Slide. Rewind. Next.]

Jeff P Miller commented
OUR SCENARIO: For our courses, we "need" forced navigation otherwise employees will rapid-click the NEXT button. It would be ideal to have at LEAST:
Stop, Play, Back (previous slide), Rewind (beginning of slide), Next (appear at end of narration/content).I tried using BTN IMAGES with actions. But when you view on mobile devices, the images stack on top of each other and "fit the screen" all fuzzy because it enlarges.