Bug - Timeline animation
I have multiple components on my timeline, each of which has a entrance animation. I am finding if the components are staggered to come into the time line at intervals, of say 2 seconds, the entrance animation of only the 1st component works. Only if all components come into the timeline together does the entrance animation work for all.

Jessica Brannan commented
Adding support to this issue. I set timings on the timeline for items to appear as the relevant word is said in narration, but when previewing, it is slightly off - appearing about a half second too late. When I go back to the timeline in the editor, the timing is off again. There is some bug (I think) where I am working with the timeline but Captivate is viewing me as a half second off. I set all my timings by that, they work great in the preview of the slide within Captivate. When I return to edit the slide, the timings are off again. It feels as though Captivate is showing me I'm setting a timing at 4.5 seconds when I'm really setting a timing at 5 seconds (but I have no way of knowing that).
Additionally, when I preview the slides, the timings are played "correctly" (still with that 1/2 second delay) but then if I go back a slide and return to the slide with timings, the text and images are no longer appearing together (see video). The card and text will appear with the "correct" timings, but the images appear many seconds later.
I am working on a large training with narration and timing appearances and I fear I'm either going to have to revert to Captivate Classic or make this a non-engaging training where everything appears on the slide together.
Video: preview of training, slide played for the first time has mostly correct timings, but navigating one slide backwards, then back to the target slide, images do not appear correctly.
MP commented
This is such an important issue for making engaging learning and it needs attention ASAP. Our team also finds that the first animation on a slide is usually timed well, but everything after that is significantly delayed. We try to address this through trial-and-error by making INCORRECT timing in Captivate so that the Publish is timed reasonably well.
In my opinion, this is a basic and critical behaviour that should have been resolved before final release of the software.