Bug - Cannot submit answers
Here is the adobe forum where I was asking about this and the steps I took to try and correct it: https://elearning.adobe.com/2023/08/captivate-12-unable-to-select-quiz-answer-in-published-course/#comment-353158
I have a quiz with 10 questions. You can see the quiz here: https://app.cloud.scorm.com/sc/InvitationConfirmEmail?publicInvitationId=0cfcc50d-f581-446a-a5e0-b41fc1d3e602
When you get to question 2, you cannot submit an answer. If you close the SCORM Cloud window and relaunch it, you can continue. But when you get to question 9, the same thing happens. If I am in my regular LMS, the same thing happens but the only way to continue is to switch to a new browser. I have no idea why you would not be able to select an answer, it makes no sense to me.