More than one checkbox
I'm not sure why the Checkbox interaction only allows for one checkbox. It would be helpful not to add another block for additional checkboxes. Instead, selecting the number of checkboxes I wish to include in the block would be helpful, similar to how I would do it with radio buttons.

Lieve Weymeis commented
This is even more than clunky! I have used the radiobuttons and checkboxes Learning Interactons in Captivate Classic so much and for multiple situations. There was even the automatic link to a user variable (which you needed to have created). Setting up checkboxes in a similar situation in this version takes at least 10 times as long as it used to be.
Drew. commented
You have to add a checkbox interaction block for each checkbox. Remove the label on successive blocks to make them appear as part of the same same checkbox list. It is a very clunky and unintuitive way to do it, but it works.