Bug - Image Grid Text Overflow with Card Enabled
On the image grid design option "Image Grid Vertical C1" there is a bug when you enable the card component.
When the card is enabled, the text area for the caption and subtitle go past the boundary of the card. The issue persists at all content widths. If you make the content 100% wide and preview the slide, the text gets cut off.
If I add padding to the cards at 30px, it pushes the text back into bounds, but that doesn't fit with my other card designs.
If there is a way to adjust this in the JSON files before the bug can be fixed, can you let me know? I would really like to use this design option but I also need to enable the cards.

AdminShivang (Admin, Adobe Captivate) commented
You may use this URL to download the file in case it is unavailable through attachment: https://shared-assets.adobe.com/link/967f8879-f76b-484e-5d73-93405482d2d3
AdminShivang (Admin, Adobe Captivate) commented
Hi Jessica,
Please download the attached file, extract its contents, and replace the files on following location: Adobe\Adobe Captivate\DesignOptions\content_blocks\Image Grid. This should fix the issue with vertical design option in Captivate 12, and the fix shall also be implemented in future Captivate update(s).