Bug in Table of Content in All new Adobe Captivate 12.3
I am creating a course which contains 3 Question Slides (Q1, Q2, Q3) and 1 result slide after that. Before Question slide Q1 there is one slide called "Quiz" which contains start button to start the quiz And after Result Slides there are two slide called tool, hooray slide. In table of content I have hide the Q1, Q2, Q3, result slide. When I click on the tool slide on TOC it redirect me to Q1 slide and when I click on the hooray slide on TOC it redirect me to Q2 slide. What will be reason? Why it is not redirecting me to tool and hooray slides when I click tool and hooray on Table of Content. I am not able to solve this issue.
I checked in 1 Quick start project (Construction Safety Awareness) provided by Adobe Captivate 12.3. And issue is also there in this project. Where Assessment questions which are bulild by graded question slides are also present followed by Thank you slide. When I click on the Thank you slide on Table of content it redirects me to the You now know slide as shown in SS.