Provide regular updates
Please update your users on the future features of the new Captivate and the life span of Captivate Classic. Currently the new Captivate does not come close to meeting our eLearning development needs. With the news that Captivate Classic will not be supported after 2025, we are feeling the need to switch our authoring tool. If I knew what features were going to be available in the new version, I might stay.

Jessica Sissel commented
Thank you, Mayank, for responding, but I still don't know what features will be added to the new Captivate. Since the current product doesn't meet our needs, it's very challenging to decide to remain with Captivate. Can you provide a list of features that will be implemented in the next year?
Hi Jessica,
Adobe Captivate Classic will be supported until 2026, with extended support continuing through 2027. You can find more details here:
Regarding the new Adobe Captivate, we’re rolling out regular updates, each bringing valuable new features. The next update is expected to be released around the first or second week of September.