Button blocks with more than three buttons
When creating custom interactions, I might want to have more than three buttons in a block. I would like to suggest that the ability to add up to ten buttons in a block would be more helpful.

Ability to add upto 10 buttons in button content block has been implemented and released in 12.4.
Eva Wilson commented
I often use more than three buttons for click-to-reveal content, as keeping context-relevant content together makes it more seamless than adding more slides. I've attached screenshots of a course instructions slide that uses 4 buttons and a content slide that uses 4. I can't think of a project in which I haven't used at least one slide with more than 3 buttons. Oh, and I didn't consider that this would make custom nav buttons impossible. Those are shown in on of the screenshots as well.
Kai commented
Unfortunately, the admin comment is actually unintentionally self-revealing in several ways. When even such a well-supported cause is treated so stepmotherly, it gives little hope for requests at the back of the queue. ...but perhaps a stimulus to do better in future.
But to the specific request: I actually see no technical reason to limit the number of buttons (like the number of flipcards etc. elsewhere).
If I need 5, 10 or 15 buttons according to the learning content or my didactic-methodical concept, this should be technically possible, even if only in the width of a guitar string or even if display options are then excluded (e.g. smartphone display), right?
Mark Whitney commented
@Randall Sauchuck, yeah, 7 months later they pop on and want Paul to argue his case. I'm sure he's either figured it out or reverted back to Cp Classic by this point. At the very least we know they are reading these posts months after they are posted.
kdmemory commented
5 buttons use case: btn1 = toggleTOC (once when we are able to omit the duration display), btn2 = go to previous slide, btn3 = continue this slide (in conjunction with cpAPIInterface.pause() & play()), btn4 = go to next slide, btn5 = go to glossary of something (in conjunction with go to slide last visited on the glossary slide)
Megan Bryant commented
If forced navigation is added, please make the adding of each button in Captivate optional as we would only likely use the next option in our learning. It would also be nice to be able to change the wording of those navigation buttons as we currently use a continue button instead of next.
Anonymous commented
I agree with Jeff. I'd like Navigation buttons in the bar that I can make appear and disappear through timing. It can be done by adding buttons individually to other widgets, but not very easily.
Paul commented
An example of when I might use more than three buttons in a block would be a custom click to reveal interaction. For example if I was building a tabbed interaction that taught folks about the five phases or stages of something.
Jeff P Miller commented
OUR SCENARIO: For our courses, we "need" forced navigation otherwise employees will rapid-click the NEXT button. It would be ideal to have at LEAST:
Stop, Play, Back (previous slide), Rewind (beginning of slide), Next (appear at end of narration/content).I tried using BTN IMAGES with actions. But when you view on mobile devices, the images stack on top of each other and "fit the screen" all fuzzy because it enlarges.
Help me Obi Wan!
Randall Sauchuck commented
I just saw the comment from the admin requesting use cases and my eyes rolled so far back in my head that I could see my own brain.
The OP literally GAVE YOU A USE CASE in the request. -
Hi Paul,
Can you share some use few cases where you require more buttons in a block? If you can share some use case this would help in prioritizing it.
Paul commented
Increase the number of buttons that a button block can produce. For example, if I wanted to create a custom click to reveal, being limited to only three tabs (buttons) makes this difficult. Also, I would like to see the ability to space these buttons evenly. Presently they appear with what seems like no formatting.