Advanced Actions
Please allow us to create advanced actions. For instance, I need to be able to redirect a student who didn't pass the exam to the content. If they pass an exam, I need some JavaScript that will take them back to our LMS. This is impossible in the new Captivate - at least that I've found.

AdminShivang (Admin, Adobe Captivate) commented
Hi. You may set up the pass/fail actions as per your requirement from "Interactions" tab on the quiz result slide, as reflected in the attached screenshots. In case this doesn't meet your requirement, please write to for further assistance. You may also contact the technical support team directly via phone (+1-800-833-6687 for US) or chat ( for immediate assistance.
Lieve Weymeis commented
It is a big stap backwards in this version, throwing away Shared actions and advanced actions, as well as most exposed system variables from the Movie Control category and some more (like the timer system vars). Shared actions were the way to help most of my clients with reusable scripts where they had only to define some parameters. They could transfer those actions from an external library and even use them as templates for advanced actions.
Moreover JS integration has not at all improved, on the contrary.