Captivate 12.3 Quiz Proceeding Error
Quiz Proceeding Error -- I'm using branching in my project, and when completing a quiz question, the caption appears, and then the slide gets stuck and does not proceed. I've tried so many ways to troubleshoot this without avail. Please advise!
Quiz settings:
Unlimited attempts
On success, trigger is Click/tap > go to slide ____ and adjust variable +1
I'm using Chrome, additionally I've tested this in edge and both browsers are up to date. The same error is occurring in my LMS for multiple users.
If I delete the quiz question causing an error, the same error will appear in another quiz question. This happens in the published SCORM file as well as the project preview.
I have tried the following:
Change the attempt number.
Change the type of quiz question.
Delete the entire slide and rewrite.
Change the trigger to point to a different slide.
Change the trigger to remove the variable.
Edit success caption, change position of success caption.
Change to knowledge check from graded question.
Restart computer.
Update computer.
Ensure the browser is up to date.
Worked with my IT department to ensure the computer was completely up to date.
Edit button trigger that points to quiz questions to branch differently.
Etc. Etc. Etc
Please help!
I've attached a screenshot of the quiz question and settings as well as a video of the error occurring. The end of the video shows the question 'greying out' and then not proceeding anywhere.
Don't want to add 'back button' or 'skip button' because this is a compliance training that has branching navigation.