Duplicate conditions in interaction
When creating an interaction I often need multiple conditional decisions (only THEN) to cope with different situations. Often those dedicions are similar. Captivate Classic allows to duplicate a decision, and edit it. Example: I want to add an end slide to a quiz which is available in two languages. Multistate objects are used for a character and two texts, and there are 4 possible situations: Pass+language1, Fail+language1, Pass+language2, Fail+language2. That means 4 decisions in the interaction which are very similar. I cannot find out how to duplicate the decisions. Result: I have to do the same workflow 4 times from scratch. Do I miss something? I have already logged complaints about missing the Advanced and shared actions, which made it so simple compared with the tons of clicks and trying to find the states struggling with the multitude of tiny scroll bars. More RSI in the future.
Lieve Weymeis commented
I don't understand your answer: each conditional action can have only one decision, and you write that duplicating an interaction (which I use a lot) will copy 'decisionS', is this a typo? In all previous versions it was possible to have a sequence of conditional and /or standard actions, which allowed to create sequences with lot of power. I cannot seem to do this in the new version at all. Editing a duplicate is also very cumbersome, how many times do you need to click that pencil icon, instead of editing all at once as was the case with the AA dialog box? I wrote out such a sequence of decisions, which I cannot create anymore. Have a look at this blog post, part of my basic course for advanced actions:
I suspect you are missing the meaning of the term 'decision', although that was the official term in the user manual. I always took care to use official terminology when it was available. -
AdminShivang (Admin, Adobe Captivate) commented
You should be able to copy the entire interaction (including the conditions and decisions), paste it to duplicate, and make changes to the duplicated conditions or decision as per your requirements. PFA screenshot for your reference.
Or are you looking for a different option?
Lieve Weymeis commented
Is it even possible to have multiple decisions? The UI is so confusing, as is the terminology. I start to believe that you can do this only by using JS? Is this true? I tried to create this interaction:
Decision 1
IF v_taal == EN AND Quiz.Pass ==TRUE
Change State of Character to Success
Change State of Title to SuccessNL
Change State of Body to SuccessNLDecision2
IF v_taal == NL AND Quiz.Pass ==TRUE
Change State of Character to Success
Change State of Title to SuccessEN
Change State of Body to SuccessENDecision3
IF v_taal == NL AND Quiz.Pass ==FALSE
Change State of Character to FailNL
Change State of Title to FailNL
Change State of Body to FailNLDecision4.... similar to 3 but for EN
OK, will have to duplicate the slide use one THEN/ELSE for each. Another step backwards.