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31 results found

  1. Unrestrict element placement and size.

    Currently unable to place button anywhere within the button field. All have to be together within the field, meaning limited design options. Also Icon buttons, should be able to re-size the icon within the button. Elements on screen, such as Text and Image, should be easily changed in size. At the moment, very restricted as to how the course will look. Classic Captivate was ideal as we had free rein over the design.

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  2. be able to copy paste from another project

    In 2019 Captivate, you can copy/paste an entire slide or section of slides from one project to another. You don't seem to have this option in the new version. The clipboard doesn't seem to work across projects. This would be very helpful.

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  3. Content width/Alignment % and title/text spacing should be the same for all blocks

    An 80% width Image block is not the same width as an 80% Text block. It should align perfectly, but it doesn't (see image). I suppose I could adjust it with the new padding feature, but this really shouldn't be necessary. A certain % width should be the same for all blocks.

    Also, the spacing between title and text is inconsistent. Maybe it's because an image block doesn't have body text, only Caption and Subtitle? But why?

    Those basic details should be a given, it shouldn't be necessary to find workarounds, or fiddle with padding or line spacing to make…

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  4. Roundtripping with Creative Cloud

    Enable the roundtripping for the Creative Cloud programs that exist in Adobe Captivate Classic in the new Captivate version. Part of the appeal of Captivate Classic is the ease of use with the creative cloud. It would be great if new version had this feature too.

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  5. Bug - Image Grid Text Overflow with Card Enabled

    On the image grid design option "Image Grid Vertical C1" there is a bug when you enable the card component.

    When the card is enabled, the text area for the caption and subtitle go past the boundary of the card. The issue persists at all content widths. If you make the content 100% wide and preview the slide, the text gets cut off.

    If I add padding to the cards at 30px, it pushes the text back into bounds, but that doesn't fit with my other card designs.

    If there is a way to adjust this in the JSON files…

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  6. Padding in Demo Instruction boxes

    In the Appearance options for Demo Instruction boxes, provide padding settings for top, right, bottom & left – same as Shapes in Captivate Classic.

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  7. Edit all slides

    • Option to add/ remove test options on all slides, not just one at a time.
    o Shuffles Answers
    o Numbering
    o Points per correct answer
    o Penalty per wrong answer

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  8. Live Preview

    Live Preview when hovering over design options

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  9. Classes for simulation bubbles / Texts / Objects

    When editing simulation bubbles, every bubble needs to be adjusted one by one. There is the need for classes where I can set the design once and rollout these classes to every bubble in the simulation. Like in CPC the smartshapes objects and the format classes.

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  10. Simulation Components - Align and/or edit X/Y Coordinates

    Need the ability to align components and see/edit the x/y coordinates for software simulations.

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  11. Look at SCORM Package performance

    Takes a very very long time even for a very small SCORM package to load. I use Moodle to host the SCORM package.

    In comparison, while a 3MB H5P component loads in 3 seconds, it takes about 30 seconds for a 3mb SCORM package to load on screen.

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  12. Better Typography - Web fonts - options/weights

    I only see a handful of google fonts as options and no Typekit fonts in captivate 12. It is missing big ones like Open Sans, Robot and Inter.

    Allow us to use these or add our own custom web fonts.

    System fonts do not include all weights and styles available.

    While all other adobe apps support using alternative characters, Capitvate does not. You all have been one of the leaders in implementing web font technology and features, what happened?

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  13. Confusion with Design Options on Slide vs Blocks

    The design options are confusing, especially since I think there is a lot of mismatch between what appears in the Design Option properties panel for the Slide vs the Block.

    1. Add a new Conversation Slide
    2. Look at the Design Options for that slide. There are four. The first (upper-left) has a green background. The second (upper-right) has the speech cards appear at the very bottom of the images.
    3. Click on the Block itself
    4. Look at the Design Options for the block. There are also four. I suspect the are supposed to completely correspond with the design options for the slide.…
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  14. SVGs should not be cropped to the placeholder icon

    When using the SVG media block, custom SVGs are always cropped to the form and size of the placeholder which is cicular or square. That was never the case when using SVGs in older versions, and is also not the case for bitmap images, which can resize to the placeholder. I create the SVGs in Illustrator, and of course I will lose the chosen font if I don't convert text to vectors. That I can understand, but not the cropping

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  15. widget

    We had created a series of free Widgets (Captivate Classic terminology - not related to widgets in Captivate). The Captivate Classic widget functionality was great, because it allowed us to create a custom UI and include JS to the published file. Our widgets are here:

    A simple example is the Save As Widget. The Captivate developer could use their own button instance that when clicked would just save the contents of that slide to a PDF or Image on the end-users machine.

    Captivate [New] doesn't allow for these widgets. Even creating a "Custom Design" does not support setting custom…

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  16. Bring back object styles.

    Being able to apply universal changes across a large quantity of objects across all slides was one of the big reasons why I prefer Captivate 2019 to Storyline. This saves me so much time and I can use this for future trainings made for the same company.

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  17. Divided Content Containers

    Add the functionality to have content containers that only take up 1/2, 1/3, or maybe even 1/4th of the screen to enable more flexible and fuid content design within the slide.

    An example would be to have a logo in the header on the page with the image on a 1/4th content divider and the header on a 3/4th text content divider. I understand there are already content presets with an image in it; however there is very limited flexibility in modifying the spacing and location of each item in the preset.

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  18. Retain items for whole project

    In Captivate classic we could insert items (like a navigation toolbar) on one slide and display it for every slide thereafter in the project. Please include that option in this version.

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  19. Collapse Playbar Icon in assets

    It would be useful to have the collapse icon (from the playbar) in the asset library along with a bigger variety of icons to choose from.

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  20. Slide frame

    Would it be possible to select the slide frame to select a complete frame OR just a line at the top, bottom, right or left?

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