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694 results found

  1. When allowing for multiple attempts in drag and drop, provide a 'try again' caption.

    Provide a ' try again ' caption when allowing for multiple attempts in drag and drop. Also when you have an initial attempt that is incorrect, provide the option to automatically reset the drag sources back to the original positions.

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  2. Support web-based video streaming services using web objects and iframes.

    We currently use iframes in a web object on a slide in Captivate Classic to stream video from an enterprise video streaming service called Vbrick ( We would like to see this supported in Captivate 2023.

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  3. Navigation by TOC

    In all previous versions it was possible to control navigation by TOC. You could either choose to allow free navigation or navigation to visited slides. That very important feature which even could be an alternative for resume a session when not having access to a LMS (within limits with cookies) is completely lost.

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  4. Animation Bug.

    There is a Bug with animations where only the first animation will work as designed and all other animations will just 'appear'. Animations will only work if they are all designed to start at once at the beginning of the timeline. Video example:

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  5. Publish for Review Tool

    It would be very helpful to be able to Publish for Review, that way I could send the course to SMEs and reviewers without having to upload to an LMS. I work for a large company, and uploads are a different team which adds 1 - 2 days. Something similar to the Storyline preview tool would be great.

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  6. In-built and Custom States in Buttons

    I want to be able to add custom states to buttons for advanced interactions.

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  7. 16 votes

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  8. External user feedback

    Just curious how I can share this project for reviews with external stakeholders. From my experience with Articulate 360; there are robust sharing features where the SME or other individuals can leave comments on the project. Is that feature available or in the development pipeline

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  9. Roundtripping with Photoshop

    Edit recorded background image in Photoshop

    View recorded background assets in assets panel en edit them in Photoshop like in the Classic version

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  10. Retain items for whole project

    In Captivate classic we could insert items (like a navigation toolbar) on one slide and display it for every slide thereafter in the project. Please include that option in this version.

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  11. Ability to Print an Outline

    It would be useful to have a print function like Adobe Classic in order to print the presentation like a handout. Not at least having that function or the collaboration feature in this first rollout is a huge oversight.

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  12. Change slide/capture size

    We typically use the custom size option for capturing specific items on a page. It would be beneficial for the project to convert to this size or be able to resize the screen/project to the size of the capture window.

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  13. ppt and pptx import features

    Most teachers design using PPT and PPTX, so does instructional designers. So it would be ideal if you could import PPT and PPTX files to Captivate.

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  14. Add shapes and text boxes.

    We utilize shapes and text boxes frequently in Captivate Classic. These seem to be missing from the new version of Captivate.

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  15. Enable us to move images to the location of our choice on the slide. Also, allow us to stack or overlap images on top of one another.

    Currently, you have limited control over where an image is placed on the screen. For example, I was attempting to place our company logo in the lower right side of the screen, but could not do this. I would also like to be able to add an image on top of another image. For example, I might like to have a check mark appear over another image at a certain point during the narration.

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  16. Save project as a template not just a theme

    In Captivate Classic, it was easy to reuse slides from a previous project where you had done the heavy lifting of creating layouts, animations, etc. by just choosing File Save As, to essentially create a new template (and even save it as one) to more easily replicate what you've done in a new project.

    I want the same options in Captivate 12 to save the project completely with a new name (duplicate it essentially) so that I can just update and modify content for the new project.

    I don't just want to save the colors/fonts/ I want the whole thing…

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  17. Allow multiple textboxes within groups

    Often designers want bullet points or small blocks of text to appear as they are spoken in the narration, so you might want 5-10 short pieces of text appearing at different points on a slide. It's extremely common. I don't see a way to do that on a single slide since you're limited to one text element. THe only way would be for them to be stacked and have virtually 10 slides worth of material for the user to scroll down through as the narration progresses, requiring extremely active scrolling along with the narration - which will NEVER happen. This…

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  18. But - Applying colors/fonts globally for all objects in project properties

    I have built some slides including all possible objects and widgets using the previously set up colours in "project properties" -> "edit theme". Then I changed the global colours and expected all buttons, objects, texts etc. to change colours automatically after clicking apply.

    It would be a huge time saver if this could work. Somehow it works, but I have to click the used object preset in the presets area again to apply.

    Please make it work automatically. Saving the theme and changing all items in the theme is not an option. It would take a lot of work when…

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  19. 13 votes

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  20. Increase processing speed

    I have found the application to be very slow in processing clicks. I am finding that I need to click or double click multiple times to get the application to respond. I am on a corporate network, not a dial-up, so I know it's not on my end.

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