Adobe Captivate
Adobe Captivate
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628 results found
5 votes
Provide a simple export of program variables to an internal server
I don't see any utility to capture user data, perhaps I am missing something. The system that classic Captivate uses is confusing. I just want to be able to import a file of user variables from my server where the program lives that I can accomplish using FileZilla for example.
3 votes -
Enable sound on flip cards (flip cards widget)
Please, please, please make it possible to embed a sound file in flip cards. Thank you for taking this into consideration.
35 votes -
Button blocks with more than three buttons
When creating custom interactions, I might want to have more than three buttons in a block. I would like to suggest that the ability to add up to ten buttons in a block would be more helpful.
50 votesAbility to add upto 10 buttons in button content block has been implemented and released in 12.4.
8 votes
Change default formatting for objects
Unless I am missing something, there doesn't appear to be any way to change the default formatting for objects like Highlight boxes, Instruction boxes, etc. Or, to easily create multiple slides with consistant font formatting without manually choosing the same Preset (or custom preset). The Copy Appearance feature is not an acceptable replacement for that ability. I don't want to have to click dozens or hundreds of objects to copy formatting.
30 votes -
There doesn't appear to be any way to add additional objects to a Software Simulation page
There doesn't appear to be any way to add additional non-interactive objects to a Software Simulation page. It looks like you can only have one highlight box and as many Instructions as you like. But, there is no way to add other objects such as shapes, images, etc. Is this going to be available in a feature update?
41 votes -
I just started testing the updated Captivate Classic. Why was the Preview next 5 slides removed?
In the updated Captivate Classic, the Prevew next 5 Slides option is no longer in the Preview drop-down. Why was that removed? If I have 100 slides and I want to check the timings on slides 90-95, I don't want to preview the entire project and try to guess where to click to start my preview. I can't preview just one slide at a time if I am checking the timings when switching from one slide to another.
6 votes -
External user feedback
Just curious how I can share this project for reviews with external stakeholders. From my experience with Articulate 360; there are robust sharing features where the SME or other individuals can leave comments on the project. Is that feature available or in the development pipeline
16 votes -
add a module for us to create a slide header/footer
for the usual logo/couple of links menu (in my case, Main Menu and Glossary) make it a module that the user can apply and not a required slide format. As it is, the 'image' module is useless for this purpose.
33 votes -
Fix Buggy Animations
On an SVG object, I chose to apply an exit animation going to the right. It played correctly when scrubbing through the timeline and when clicking Test. When I previewed in the browser, the object slides off to the left (the opposite direction).
I also applied an entrance animation to three SVG objects. I used the scale in option and I adjusted them to scale in one at a time on the timeline. This played as anticipated in the timeline. When I previewed in the browser, only the first two scaled in. The third popped in without animation.11 votes -
responsive quiz questions
Have questions be able to have multiple feedback options based on answers selected.
9 votes -
Insert Text Boxes
The software simulation of Captivate 2023 doesn't seem to have as many options as Captivate 2019 had. E.g., inserting a text on a screen when it doesn't create one for you. This would be a great feature as this can create issues when this needs to be added where it hasn't been captured. I'm surprised with the new version, some of the 2019 features haven't automatically been copied across. Wouldn't this have been easier and then improve some of the options
25 votes -
Fixing Quiz continue with "J" in german version.
In the german version of Captivate continue in Quiz after submit with "J" don't work, but with "Y".
2 votes -
Quiz Fill-In-The-Blank
I miss Fill-In-The-Blank in quiz with Text Entry and Drop-Down in Captivate German Version.
2 votes -
Continue after Review Quiz don't work (only without Review Quiz before) - please repair
German Cp Version 12.0..0.2892
3 votes -
User flow viewer
It should have to option to see the flow map of an user depending of the options chosen by the user. Similar or better than articulate.
3 votes -
ppt and pptx import features
Most teachers design using PPT and PPTX, so does instructional designers. So it would be ideal if you could import PPT and PPTX files to Captivate.
13 votes -
Responsive behavior for Background Image
Allow a 'focal point' for images when they change sizes in Captivate projects
Sharepoint pages do allow you to set the 'focus' of an image for when the portal changes size, it lets the author have some control over how the item is shown to users without having a ton of options to configure each time.
23 votesFeature available with 12.3
Support multiple video playback control skins and features
Captivate Classic provides support for multiple self-hiding video playback control skins, such as Halo and Corona. It also provides "Auto Play" and "Auto Rewind" features for video that is embedded in a slide. We would like to see these features added to Captivate 2023.
19 votes
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